Monday, November 28, 2005
Today I read some really horrible stuff on Freebird. One of the board members denied access to their board to Shin_chan because "a language barrier!" This is such crap! I didn't go off on Freebird because it's not my board but I can say what I want here~! I hope that one of you read this! You are the most selfish and stupid people on the planet! Why in the hell would you bite the hand that feeds you! You get on Freebird and take pictures, dl and read everything about Smap and then you go back to your board and post our shit! How dare you! I don't give a damn if you wrote on your board in martian! You are stupid enough to think that we wouldn't even try to understand! I don't read Japanese but that doesn't stop me! I don't speak it very well either but that don't stop me! I'm so thoroughly pissed off at you for trying to hold on to Smap by yourselves! Unless your board is Japanese, THEY DON'T BELONG TO YOU! Shin was nice enough not to ban you from the board. I respect that because I'm not so nice! Your asses would be gone! SEE YA! BYE BEES!
Now onward to Namak! I watched the 2004 Love Awards tonight now that my house is clear of company. I really enjoyed it! Although my Shingo pooh looked a little sick. I think he had a cold or something! If you have seen the love awards you should. Its really funny. There is so much going on with them right now. Triangle hit #1 even before it was released
I'm really proud of them and can't wait to here more stuff! Shingo is still really tanned from his trip to Sydney. I personally think he looks CHOKAWAI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a caramel candy bar! whahahahaha! I've officially lost my mind! Yasaminasai!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thanksgiving 11/24/05
Konbanwa minna-san! Today is Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for and one thing is Smap. I glad that I discovered their music and acting (actually vice versa). They are been a God-send many days. We had family over, not a lot but enough. I don't seem to be getting along very well with them all lately. It is a neverending story however and I'm really used to it. They seem to have some pre-conceived notion of who I am and they are wrong. But I how see me and how they see me is two different things.
I glad that they are gone and I can relax and think of Shingo and Smap. I watched Birdman DVD again today and realized that I like the groove of that cd. One of my fav is living large! It has really nice music. I'm sooooo tired cuz I've been up since 6:30am trying to get ready for guest and then I hurt my knee really bad. I didn't go to the hospital just because but I need to see a doctor so I'll call tomorrow. I hope that I dream about Smap tonight cuz I could really use something nice.
I glad that they are gone and I can relax and think of Shingo and Smap. I watched Birdman DVD again today and realized that I like the groove of that cd. One of my fav is living large! It has really nice music. I'm sooooo tired cuz I've been up since 6:30am trying to get ready for guest and then I hurt my knee really bad. I didn't go to the hospital just because but I need to see a doctor so I'll call tomorrow. I hope that I dream about Smap tonight cuz I could really use something nice.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Smap Thought 11/20/05
Ok, it's Sunday night and I haven't seen Smap all weekend cuz I had my 8 year old nephew who is not interesting in anything to do with Smap. I'm going through withdrawals! Last night I went to my 1st ever Japanese restaurant and I had a good time. We sat the the (I forget) stove/grill kinda thingy and he cooked in front of us. He was entertaining and cute I might add. The food was Oishi! I didn't speak one word of Japanese in fear that I would mispronounce something. I feel stupid today though cuz I can speak it a little so I should have at the very least spoke the things I know well. I really miss seeing Shingo..... and it's too late now. Thanksgiving is on Thursday and my sister is coming from Georgia on Friday. I won't be able to see him next weekend either......OH CRAP! I think I'll just overdose on Monday to Wednesday!
Goro's birthday is December 8th and I think I'll try to be artistic, like I was when I was younger, and write him a poem.......hmmmm I don't know if I can still do it like before. I was pretty good but I lost interest in it when I fell in love for the 1st time. I'll but his pic on my desktop for inspiration! ahahahahahaha
Goro's birthday is December 8th and I think I'll try to be artistic, like I was when I was younger, and write him a poem.......hmmmm I don't know if I can still do it like before. I was pretty good but I lost interest in it when I fell in love for the 1st time. I'll but his pic on my desktop for inspiration! ahahahahahaha
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Shingo Thoughts 11/17/05
Ok, I've had such a day! I didn't sleep well and Shingo filled my head so of course I couldn't sleep after that! Then I got on the board and was writing a Smap story. Boy oh boy did we get busy! At one point, I had to get up and walk away cuz I couldn't take anymore! STEAMY! Anyway so now things are getting back to normal. I enjoyed the LUSTFUL THOUGHTS!~_^
I really need to get back to my Japanese lessons so I can be more fluent. I understand some of what they say but not nearly enough! My processing is still too slow.
I gonna take a shower and go to beddo cuz I'm sleepy as hell and I getting goofy.
O-yasaminasai. I hope you have wonderful dreams about your favorite Smap man! I will be dreaming about Shingo.
I really need to get back to my Japanese lessons so I can be more fluent. I understand some of what they say but not nearly enough! My processing is still too slow.
I gonna take a shower and go to beddo cuz I'm sleepy as hell and I getting goofy.
O-yasaminasai. I hope you have wonderful dreams about your favorite Smap man! I will be dreaming about Shingo.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
More Smap Thoughts 11/13/05
Ok, this morning about 2am, I watched this crazy clip of Smap and laughed so much my face hurt! I realized how much fun I have watching them and how happy it really makes me! I have to say that I love them and thank you. My life has been enhanced by their antics and it was much needed. I not a big party goer and I don't hang out in bars so I don't do a lot of socializing except in church and at work. Having Smap in my life and going to Smap boards have really taken away some of that boredom. As I watch this stuff, I'm so happy and that is real. Now don't get the wrong idea, I do have a full life! and now, it's fuller! It's just that I don't do a lot of running. So with that said, oyasaminasai!
Smap Thoughts 11/13/05
Konbanwa! I have been sick for 3 days now! YUK! Anyway, I finally got to see some October SXS shows! I enjoyed them as usual. They had some boxers on the show and Shingo made a cake that look like a boxing ring! He's so talented. I was reading that he's depressed because he couldn't loose the weight he wanted to for his part as Songoku in Saiyuki. They did a shoot in Sydney and from what I've read, it was hell! I feet so bad for him. I think he's perfect but I understand that our self image is so important. I know more than people might think. I recently lost a lot of weight too and know how much better I feel about myself. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must have been for him to go on stage and perform night after night when deep inside he was not happy with himself. That actually makes me want to cry. But, he has to deal with this like everyone else. So, on top of not losing as much weight as he wanted, he goes to Sydney and have horrible time cuz of flies or mosquitos which for some reason was attracted to him. Thank goodness he's back home.
I read that Goro is a playboy who likes to visit the clubs scene. Now I don't know how true this is but he is suppose to be very arrogant. He is supposed to have said something like women would benefit from having sex with him. Now,......THAT COULD VERY WELL BE TRUE! I have no idea what kind of lover Goro is and I don't think I'll ever find out. Although I like him, I don't really have a desire to have sex with him so....but according to him, you will benefit WHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's just nuts! My opinion, you probably will! On the other hand SHINGO...YOROKONDE! whahahahahaha! Gomenasai! the lecher/nymph just popped out of me!
Natsu ga sugiteku ~ only when I'm kissing you, sweet summer surfin season, get near to you ~
Yuhi ga ochiteku ~ only when I holding you, sweet summer surfin season, know all of you ~
I read that Goro is a playboy who likes to visit the clubs scene. Now I don't know how true this is but he is suppose to be very arrogant. He is supposed to have said something like women would benefit from having sex with him. Now,......THAT COULD VERY WELL BE TRUE! I have no idea what kind of lover Goro is and I don't think I'll ever find out. Although I like him, I don't really have a desire to have sex with him so....but according to him, you will benefit WHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's just nuts! My opinion, you probably will! On the other hand SHINGO...YOROKONDE! whahahahahaha! Gomenasai! the lecher/nymph just popped out of me!
Natsu ga sugiteku ~ only when I'm kissing you, sweet summer surfin season, get near to you ~
Yuhi ga ochiteku ~ only when I holding you, sweet summer surfin season, know all of you ~
Yasaminasai!!!!!! Dream of Smap
Takuya's Birthday 11/13/05

Today is Takuya Kimura's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! I would like to take this time to talk about him. I have grown to really like him over these past few months. His character is alluring. The more I learn about him, the more I like him. Takuya works so hard and put so much of himself into what he's doing. So this is just a little note to him.
My dearest, sweet Takuya, I want to thank you for your hard work and all the special attention to pay to your fans! You give so much of yourself and I really appreciate it. You have opened your life and it has cost you a great deal of pain sometimes. That makes me care even more about you. Your honesty, kindness, and straightforward nature is so rare in a world of sarcism that you seem almost untrue. Deep inside, I know that you are so much more than what we see. I would like to wish you all the happiest, blessings, peace, and contentment for the rest of your life. Have a wonderful day!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Thoughts 11/6/05
Konbanwa minnasan. I've been having a very strange day. I can't explain how I feel. I think I'm bored. I watched Smastation from last month with Takuya as the guest and I really enjoyed but somethings missing and I don't know what. I usually hate this time of year so I will attribute most of my mood to that. Everyone thinks that the fall is beautiful cuz the trees are so colorful. All I see is the leaves dying. Its dark most of the time. Its getting cold. The holidays are just around the corner and I'm not looking forward to the NOISE! I wish I could go on vacation for the holidays. hahahahaha I sound like the Grinch! The only good thing is Sample Bang DVD will be out on December 14 which is a little over a month. I guess things will look up in a few.....
Oyasami nasai, dream of Smap!
Oyasami nasai, dream of Smap!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Shingo Smap Thoughts 11/04/05
This morning I saw Oct 30, 2005 Tensei Shingo! It was a execise to make you sweat. Two women (beautiful) smeared hot chocolate sauce all over his body minus his butt and penis of course. He had on red shorts, boxers. Then they wrapped him in a foil like sheet and taped him up. There were 3 others with him but I really don't care. Then they had to play a game and the winner received an oil message by the same 2 women.
One of my favorite things is chocolate and another is Shingo. Put the two together and I'm estatic! I can't say all the stuff that was going on in my head watching this. The message was even better. EROTIC! I better today now that I've seen it cuz yesterday I'd just heard about it and didn't get anything done at work cuz I was soooooooo wanting to see it! Shin_chan was wonderful and uploading it for us so I thank you for the bottom of my lusting heart! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
One of my favorite things is chocolate and another is Shingo. Put the two together and I'm estatic! I can't say all the stuff that was going on in my head watching this. The message was even better. EROTIC! I better today now that I've seen it cuz yesterday I'd just heard about it and didn't get anything done at work cuz I was soooooooo wanting to see it! Shin_chan was wonderful and uploading it for us so I thank you for the bottom of my lusting heart! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Smap Thoughts 11/2/05
Oi minnasan! I'm exhausted as usual! I've been watching Shinsengumi but not much! I hate daylight savings! I'm usually a mess for weeks when they change the time. So now I'm even more tired then before! Mo ii..... I realized how much I've grown to love Smap in the last few weeks. They have taken up a big part of my life. I've planned things around them (watching, buying, trip to Japan). I'm looking forward to seeing them in concert next year. Nakai said they'd be back! I'm excited. I've met a lot of crazy, sukebe women who are just like me, addicts! Its fun and a great pastime. I'm still learning Japanese so I can communicate when I go there, still going to church, and planning to start my masters program maybe in January 2006! I'm gonna full over! I will however fit Smap in this somehow! Shingo has a new show coming out soon, concert dvd, also his movie....oh and now something else! Mo money, mo money, mo money! Gambarimasho!
O-yasaminasai (Good night) minnasan, dream about your ichiban and wake up with a smile!