Takuya's Birthday 11/13/05

Today is Takuya Kimura's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! I would like to take this time to talk about him. I have grown to really like him over these past few months. His character is alluring. The more I learn about him, the more I like him. Takuya works so hard and put so much of himself into what he's doing. So this is just a little note to him.
My dearest, sweet Takuya, I want to thank you for your hard work and all the special attention to pay to your fans! You give so much of yourself and I really appreciate it. You have opened your life and it has cost you a great deal of pain sometimes. That makes me care even more about you. Your honesty, kindness, and straightforward nature is so rare in a world of sarcism that you seem almost untrue. Deep inside, I know that you are so much more than what we see. I would like to wish you all the happiest, blessings, peace, and contentment for the rest of your life. Have a wonderful day!
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