Smap Thoughts 11/2/05
Oi minnasan! I'm exhausted as usual! I've been watching Shinsengumi but not much! I hate daylight savings! I'm usually a mess for weeks when they change the time. So now I'm even more tired then before! Mo ii..... I realized how much I've grown to love Smap in the last few weeks. They have taken up a big part of my life. I've planned things around them (watching, buying, trip to Japan). I'm looking forward to seeing them in concert next year. Nakai said they'd be back! I'm excited. I've met a lot of crazy, sukebe women who are just like me, addicts! Its fun and a great pastime. I'm still learning Japanese so I can communicate when I go there, still going to church, and planning to start my masters program maybe in January 2006! I'm gonna full over! I will however fit Smap in this somehow! Shingo has a new show coming out soon, concert dvd, also his movie....oh and now something else! Mo money, mo money, mo money! Gambarimasho!
O-yasaminasai (Good night) minnasan, dream about your ichiban and wake up with a smile!
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