Smap Thoughts 11/28/2005
Today I read some really horrible stuff on Freebird. One of the board members denied access to their board to Shin_chan because "a language barrier!" This is such crap! I didn't go off on Freebird because it's not my board but I can say what I want here~! I hope that one of you read this! You are the most selfish and stupid people on the planet! Why in the hell would you bite the hand that feeds you! You get on Freebird and take pictures, dl and read everything about Smap and then you go back to your board and post our shit! How dare you! I don't give a damn if you wrote on your board in martian! You are stupid enough to think that we wouldn't even try to understand! I don't read Japanese but that doesn't stop me! I don't speak it very well either but that don't stop me! I'm so thoroughly pissed off at you for trying to hold on to Smap by yourselves! Unless your board is Japanese, THEY DON'T BELONG TO YOU! Shin was nice enough not to ban you from the board. I respect that because I'm not so nice! Your asses would be gone! SEE YA! BYE BEES!
Now onward to Namak! I watched the 2004 Love Awards tonight now that my house is clear of company. I really enjoyed it! Although my Shingo pooh looked a little sick. I think he had a cold or something! If you have seen the love awards you should. Its really funny. There is so much going on with them right now. Triangle hit #1 even before it was released
I'm really proud of them and can't wait to here more stuff! Shingo is still really tanned from his trip to Sydney. I personally think he looks CHOKAWAI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a caramel candy bar! whahahahaha! I've officially lost my mind! Yasaminasai!
At 12/02/2005 2:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some fans are like this... Realy extreme~ There's nth we can do...
I've met a few extreme fans 2~ At first im also very pissed off~ But gradually i realise that no point being angry~ It's a waste of time & effort..
So gal~ Chill down ne!! Hehe... At least u noe more gd fans out there... (Like me!! Hahaha!!)
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