Smap Thoughts 5/10/06
Hi minna, it's been a while since I've written anything. I've been working a lot on CS, goman nasai. I didn't realize all the crap board owners go through. I'm pretty laid back for the most part but I swear some of the lurking is a bit unnerving! I have over 1000 views a day some days 1500 but like only 5 people will post and I'm one of them. I don't understand that. It's like no one has an opinion. Maybe it's me....I've pretty much got an opinion on everything especially when it comes to Smap. Which leads me to this, I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ENOUGH OF THEM. I'm like a junky who needs a fix! Then I read wonderful things about Shingo and how "common" he is and I think what a wonderful guy. I NEED MORE! They all seem down to earth for the most part. I don't think they're angels or such but I think they are genuine. Shingo, however, seems to be the most genuine one of the group. Although I've read some really nice stuff about all of them. One thing is I think since Shingo was a star at a young age, he has a desire for some normalcy in his life thus the down to earth nature. He seem to want to move beyond the "SMAP" thing and live as everyday people. That's not to say he doesn't thoroughly enjoy being a member of Smap, of course he does! It's to say that he hasn't let being a member of Smap change the core person that he is which is pretty damn amazing. It's hard to stay true to yourself and not believe the hype. So Shingo, Smap, I applaud you!
O-yasami nasai!
O-yasami nasai!
At 5/11/2006 8:29 PM,
elisabetha said…
hey megumi! elisabetha desu...i've landed on your bloggie! heehee. Anyway, just wanted to say hang in're doing an awesome job as board owner, lurkers are bound to happen but just remember that nothing you do goes unappreciated. It's all for the love of SMAP! :)
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