Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I haven't posted to this blog in over a year! I haven't kept promises either. I'm sorry to those who would read this from time to time. I'm current consumed with my new forum, Shin Channel SMAP. It takes all my time. If you've come across this blog then you're look for SMAP related info. Come by and check us out.
Hope to see you there!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Losing Weight With Shingo
Recently Shingo has been looking very thin! Actually I think Hiro-chan has lost weight too. About 6 weeks ago, I started a diet. I go to Curves to work out and I used their diet program too. So far, I've lost 10 and 1/2 pounds. I'm not the size I was when I went to Japan last year! YATTA!!!!! I have more to go but I'm very happy about this.
Have you ever noticed how some people are always trying to sabotage your efforts? My co-worker is like that. Before when I was dieting, she knew it and would do little mean things to try to get me to fell. Once, she stood in my office door and ate a piece of cake talking about how good it was! It really pissed me off! Not that she was eating the cake but that she would do something like that. Then yesterday, she ask if I wanted lunch from a pizza shop. I said no, I'm still watching what I eat...."Are you sure, you can get a spinach roll," she said! Now I really like spinach rolls but it's made with white bread and sausage! Well I can't eat that stuff now, maybe a little at a time later on but not now! I wanted to throw my computer at her and tell her to get the *)*()**+(^%^&^)7 out of my office! But on the other hand, I like a challenge and that is how I take this so everytime she brings her fat ass in my office and do stuff like that, the next day I wear the "cute" clothes that shows off my figure.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Just a little tidbit of info.
No news about a concert this year and it's still too early to give up. I was thinking though, if they don't have one, should I really go to Japan again this year.....I want to move there and was gonna take another trip there to make sure of my feelings but $4,000 is a lot of money that I could save and add to my move. It's really weird but I'm still very much drawn there so another trip might not change my mind to not move there, just confirm what I'm already feeling.... I really need to think about this. Now if there is a concert, I will go dakara..... Anyway, more SMAP stuff to think about!
Have you ever noticed how some people are always trying to sabotage your efforts? My co-worker is like that. Before when I was dieting, she knew it and would do little mean things to try to get me to fell. Once, she stood in my office door and ate a piece of cake talking about how good it was! It really pissed me off! Not that she was eating the cake but that she would do something like that. Then yesterday, she ask if I wanted lunch from a pizza shop. I said no, I'm still watching what I eat...."Are you sure, you can get a spinach roll," she said! Now I really like spinach rolls but it's made with white bread and sausage! Well I can't eat that stuff now, maybe a little at a time later on but not now! I wanted to throw my computer at her and tell her to get the *)*()**+(^%^&^)7 out of my office! But on the other hand, I like a challenge and that is how I take this so everytime she brings her fat ass in my office and do stuff like that, the next day I wear the "cute" clothes that shows off my figure.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Just a little tidbit of info.
No news about a concert this year and it's still too early to give up. I was thinking though, if they don't have one, should I really go to Japan again this year.....I want to move there and was gonna take another trip there to make sure of my feelings but $4,000 is a lot of money that I could save and add to my move. It's really weird but I'm still very much drawn there so another trip might not change my mind to not move there, just confirm what I'm already feeling.... I really need to think about this. Now if there is a concert, I will go dakara..... Anyway, more SMAP stuff to think about!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
5/16/07 What a Day!
I've had one of the worst days! I've been trying to keep up a good front but I could burst into tears at any given moment. I hate when I get like this. I've only been this down a few times in my life where I just want to give up. Right now, not even SMAP can make me feel better. I'm going to bed so I don't have to feel the pain.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
5/15/07 Tadaima! Smap Thoughts
It's been forever since I wrote anything on this blog. I've been really busy with CS and home and work and just general bullcrap! CS is taking up a lot of my time but for the most part I don't mind. We seem to have lost a lot of members who posted all the time....Some have ventured off to real life I think. Some I think have just out grown SMAP. I find that hard to believe but they let their dream die. My dream must be different from minna. I don't really have one when it comes to SMAP. I've seen them in concert, Takuya sang with me, Tsuyopon blew me a kiss and I got the look back and very much eye contact from"him!" My dreams are more of doing something different with my life. I'd like to move to Japan for a while but that will take a miracle. There is no one to take care of my Mom who is older. I can't just leave her....So my life or the life that I dream of probably won't happen. But I'll try to make the best of what I've got once I work it out of my system. Or I should say let the dream die. Moving to Japan has nothing to do with SMAP. I love the country and they are just a bonus. I'd like to find out more about other groups, not the juniors either. I love Laruku (L'arc'en'ciel)! I guess if SMAP is your dream and you realize you can have it, you let it die....
I've been rambling....sumimasen. I miss writing my thoughts. I'm gonna have to come back more.!
I've been rambling....sumimasen. I miss writing my thoughts. I'm gonna have to come back more.!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
It's been a long time!
It's been 3 months since I posted to my blog! I can't believe it. But CS takes up most of my time....But I really don't see that happening much longer. Everyone seems to be drifting away. I guess that's okay too. Life goes on.....Oyasami nasai!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
It's Shingo's 30th birthday 01/31 today. It's already the 31st in Japan so I'm wishing him the best now! Have a wonderful day my love!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Cuz ya got to go to Hakone once in your life!!!!!
What anime series is that saying from....hahahahahahaha
9/15/06 I left for Fuji-san and Hakone today. I was sad to be leaving Tokyo. I was filled with tears on my way to the train station. I thanked the hotel staff for all their help, had breakfast, and left. I took the only damn tour of my whole trip and I will not take another. Tours are nice but I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it....that's why I went on vacation by myself.
Goman for the little break down. When I got on the bus, there was this creepy guy who got on too. I don't profess to being psychic but I do know that God gives us a spirit of discernment. He creeped my completely out. He ended up sitting in the seat across the aisle from me. The tour guide was funny and great. He talked about everything!
We went up to the 1st station which is about 3500 feet above sea level! We were above the clouds!
The roads were winding and steep on the way up and my ears just popped and popped. Anyway, Mr. Creepy was wandering around and I just got away from him. I bought stuff and went to the temple that was there then back to the bus. We went to have lunch and I ended up sitting at the table with him! Then he wanted to talk, I didn't want to anywhere near him......Can you tell he messed up my whole trip to Fuji-san?
We then went to Hakone, HOT SPRINGS!, and I rode the rope car to the top of some mountain. I was so scared that I stood in the middle and held on for dear life! hahahahahaha but I had to do it. We took a boat ride on Lake Asti and I thought I was gonna lose my Pop Up cap! I immediately went inside the boat! ahahahahaha Then we were dropped off at our hotels. WOULDN'T YOU KNOW, MR CREEPY! He was staying at the Prince Hotel too and much worst, they put him in the room next to mine. No joke, I was scared. I started praying for God to send me angels to protect me because I knew he was up to no good thing. Needless to say, I didn't go into the natural hot springs and stayed in my room that night. Early the next morning, I got up packed my clothes, read my Bible and had tea while looking out over the lake and at 8:00 am, I left! I caught a taxi to the Hakone Shrine, walked around a little and caught the train to Kyoto! I was a glad sista to get away from him!
Other than that, I like Fuji-san and Hakone. Maybe next time I go to Japan, I get to do the natural hot springs thingy!
9/15/06 I left for Fuji-san and Hakone today. I was sad to be leaving Tokyo. I was filled with tears on my way to the train station. I thanked the hotel staff for all their help, had breakfast, and left. I took the only damn tour of my whole trip and I will not take another. Tours are nice but I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it....that's why I went on vacation by myself.
Goman for the little break down. When I got on the bus, there was this creepy guy who got on too. I don't profess to being psychic but I do know that God gives us a spirit of discernment. He creeped my completely out. He ended up sitting in the seat across the aisle from me. The tour guide was funny and great. He talked about everything!
We went up to the 1st station which is about 3500 feet above sea level! We were above the clouds!
The roads were winding and steep on the way up and my ears just popped and popped. Anyway, Mr. Creepy was wandering around and I just got away from him. I bought stuff and went to the temple that was there then back to the bus. We went to have lunch and I ended up sitting at the table with him! Then he wanted to talk, I didn't want to anywhere near him......Can you tell he messed up my whole trip to Fuji-san?
We then went to Hakone, HOT SPRINGS!, and I rode the rope car to the top of some mountain. I was so scared that I stood in the middle and held on for dear life! hahahahahaha but I had to do it. We took a boat ride on Lake Asti and I thought I was gonna lose my Pop Up cap! I immediately went inside the boat! ahahahahaha Then we were dropped off at our hotels. WOULDN'T YOU KNOW, MR CREEPY! He was staying at the Prince Hotel too and much worst, they put him in the room next to mine. No joke, I was scared. I started praying for God to send me angels to protect me because I knew he was up to no good thing. Needless to say, I didn't go into the natural hot springs and stayed in my room that night. Early the next morning, I got up packed my clothes, read my Bible and had tea while looking out over the lake and at 8:00 am, I left! I caught a taxi to the Hakone Shrine, walked around a little and caught the train to Kyoto! I was a glad sista to get away from him!
Other than that, I like Fuji-san and Hakone. Maybe next time I go to Japan, I get to do the natural hot springs thingy!
Kamakura 9/14/06

I went to Kamakura. It's a historical city and very beautiful just like Nikko. I got up earlier and had caught the train their. I walked forever! Then I rode a rickshaw! The driver's name was Kie. He talked and talked. He spoke very good English and was really nice. He told me that he love the Red Hot Chili Peppers and I told him I loved Smap! He was soooooo surprised. I then ran into a guy from Texas who was just American.....what do I mean, well, he wanted to talk to someone who spoke English. He was there with his Mother who was Japanese but he'd never learned the language or the culture, nothing. Just closed!
I wondered around until I found the places I wanted to see including the Great Buddah. It was absolutely beautiful. I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful experience and the mind to be open to new and different things.
9/12/06 Onward to Nikko!
I went to Nikko....IT RAINED THE WHOLE DAY! It was cold and wet and I had an attitude because I'm a baka...I left my raincoat at the hotel and had to buy a jacket. At the train station in Itsunomiya, there was a group of kids on the train and one of the girls must have thought I was someone famous because she started smiling and waving. Then the whole train was waving and smiling. I laughed and waved back! That really made my day! They were so cute ahahahahaha. I didn't want to tell them I was not famous. hahahahahaha
Nikko is a beautiful city. I walked around the shrines and walked on the Shinkyo Bridge. I seen the original hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil monkeys carved on the shrine. I spent about 5 hours just hanging out their and walking around. Then I took a taxi back to the train station. I was actually cheated by the taxi driver! I didn't even think about it until after I got on the train but I believe in the natural order of things and he will reap what he has sown.
I'm so in love with Japan!
Nikko is a beautiful city. I walked around the shrines and walked on the Shinkyo Bridge. I seen the original hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil monkeys carved on the shrine. I spent about 5 hours just hanging out their and walking around. Then I took a taxi back to the train station. I was actually cheated by the taxi driver! I didn't even think about it until after I got on the train but I believe in the natural order of things and he will reap what he has sown.
I'm so in love with Japan!