Kusanagi Tsuyoshi
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi was born on July 9, 1974 in Shikoku, Japan but lived his life in Saitama since he was 2 years old. Tsuyo is about 5'6" tall, very thin but most agile. He does flips, handstands, etc. Tsuyo is soft-spoken and has a calm personality. He is definitely the strong silent type. Tsuyo is not the best singer or dancer but he fits perfectly in Smap. I can't imagine the group without Tsuyo because he brings a serenity in the mist of the activity. He also is an actor but like Nakai I haven't seen
him in any sitcoms or movies yet. From what I've seen in his skits on Bistro Smap, he loves costumes and makeup! Tsuyo did a skit with a goat face which was amazing! He also has a weekly show named PuSma which is challenge show. He's the one that the other members gang up on but he takes it all in stride. This is not to say they abuse him, but he really doesn't have a breaking point so they will go to the extreme with him. I believe that Tsuyo is the glue that keeps them together but they don't know it. He speaks Korean fluently and did sing a solo in that language. Tsuyo was recently called a workaholic by Takuya but he meant it as a compliment. Tsuyo has a great sense of responsibility and commitment. It really shows in everything he does!
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